Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Closed! Day One Destruction

At a little after 10am I got the call from my lawyer's office.  It's recorded.  The Brick Bungalow is MINE.  Holy moly.  I own a project house.  Oooo boy do I own a project house.

So the electric company flaked out and decided to schedule me for next week.  So the gas company couldn't turn on the gas.  So the water company couldn't turn on the water. heat, no power.  It's gonna be a fun day!  It was 40 in the house when I turned the key.  The warmest it got was 41.  Woo-hoo.  Got there at about 10:30.  Started demo and just walking through to see what I really got myself into.  At about noon, the gas company came-that's when I found out they couldn't turn on the gas without the electric and water.  I had left a message for the water company, but they didn't get it so he also arrived, not too long after the gas guy left.  It was a day for interuptions.  Just as the water guy left, the contractor I had lined up came through to do a walk around and give me my final estimate on the roof and windows.

I did manage to get the kitchen ceiling tiles down and some plaster and lath in the two closets with water damage.

Kitchen.  Messy, messy!

And the closets:

Found some old wallpaper under old wallpaper.  This might be the 1920's era paper!

I believe the upstairs is all like this.  One room still has some funky paper (see the kitchen bedroom room), the hall has some that I peeled and the plaster there is unfinished too, and the other bedroom (the pink room) appears to be painted over some paper that didn't peel.

I also determined the stove in the upstairs bedroom is just set in place, so I'll be getting some help to remove it and get it downstairs without killing myself or the stove, and selling it.  Someone will want it-it's pretty neat.

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